Marie Lelyukh
Frontend developer

JavaScript/AngularJs developer.  Have experience in TypeScript and Angular 6.

Work on mobile applications, web admin panels and landing pages.

Poltava National Technical Yuriy Kondratyuk University
Freelance JavaScript and HTML developerCreate landing pages, remote
Dec. 2016 - Mar. 2017
Grass-business-labs frontend developerFrontend, mobile App developer
Mar. 2017 - Oct. 2018
Freelance AngularJs developerFrontend, mobile App developer
June 2017 - Current
VektiorFrontend developer, mobile App developer
Nov. 2018 - Current
Frontend: HTML, CSS, Angular Material, Bootstrap, SCSS/SASS, Responsive design, Firebase
JavaScript: AngularJs, Ionic v1, jQuery
VCS: GIT(GitHub, Bitbucket)
DEVTOOLS: PhpStorm, WebStorm
TECHNOLOGIES: Mantis Bug Tracker, Trello, Jira
TypeScript: Angular, Ionic3
Mahsevon Theara
Aug. 2018 - Oct. 2018

Jewish menstruation  calendar

Hybrid mobile app developed to systematize menstruation based on the hebrew bible.

The app has login and registration, possibility to choose interface language. Registration consists of several stages.  First, the phone number is entered, a code is sent to it, then the code is entered and after that user move to main registration. The application has the ability to mark the date of the beginning and end of menstruation, view the history and also plan a pregnancy based on data. There is also a separate page for contacts with Rabbi, terms of use and bible rules. It is possible to change  password. Push notifications developed to notify the user about the imminent date of the onset of menstruation and religious holidays.

Frontend part developed on JavaScript,  AngularJS, Scss, Ionic v1. Push notifications  developed on Firebase platform using  Cordova plugins.  For communication with server was used Rest API.  Development was with github. One more developer worked with me on this project on frontend. I worked on login, registration, password recovery pages, translations, pregnancy planning, religious settings, contacts with Rabbi and push notifications. Translation  based on AngularJs plugin. Used Google maps API for autocomplete.  For convenience, the functionality that does not concern changes in the template is made in the services.  Backend part developed on PHP and Laravel, Composer,  MySQL. 

Sober driver
Dec. 2018 - Jan. 2019

Hybrid mobile app developed to help users get home.

There are no login and registration, only several pages with following functions:

1) User can can select driver from drivers list and send request to operator`s email with phone number and name.

2) User can press the SOS button and operator will call to user and solve his problem with car.

3) User can see contact list and promotional offers

4) User can send request  without selecting driver

Frontend part was developed on TypeScript, Ionic3, Angular 5, Scss, Cordova plugins.  I developed all frontend part.

Car Surveyor
Mar. 2017 - Apr. 2017

Admin panel for broken cars auditing . There are two roles: admin and user. The following functions are available for admin:

1) Table of all broken cars.

2) View crash card, with the ability to download PDF documents.

3) Adding new users.

For users:

1) Creation of crash card, loading photos.

2) View crash card, upload photos and documents, edit data.

Frontend part was developed on JavaScript, Angular JS, SCSS.  For image carousel I used jQuery plugin.  For design used Angular Material.  For communication with server was used Rest API.  For providing roles were used users tags from server.  All frontend was developed by me. Backend based on PHP, Yii2, MySQL.

Apr. 2017 - July 2017

Admin panel for a wedding agency in Germany. 

It is possible to work with multiple users. The admin has the ability to create a new user and assign him a role and give rights to change data in the system. The user role is determined by the tags that comes from the server.

The side menu contains links to pages. In general, similar functionality is everywhere. There are pages of customers, suppliers, manufacturers, calendar, statistics, wardrobe, user audit. It is possible to view all customers / suppliers, etc., adding new ones, adding goods, creating a costume (adding goods and supplier / manufacturer), edit and delete  all data, change interface language. The interface is implemented as in a browser, with the possibility of opening new tabs. Angular Material was used for design. Project was developed on AngularJs, Scss,  jQuery for calendar and image plugins. There were two frontend developer on this project. I worked on statistic, translations, suppliers,  manufactures, users audit and images. For communication with server was used Rest API.  Backend based on PHP, Yii2, MySQL.

Aug. 2017 - Oct. 2017

Startup, a marketplace for farmers. Hybrid mobile app. On Agro were implemented login, registration, list of goods categories, offers list, user details, offer details, comments. Users are able to add offer with images using ng-file-upload plugin, change avatar using crop plugin,  change and recover password, add  feedbacks, view rating.  Also were implemented chat based on web sockets and push notification on Firebase. It was my first experience with sockets and Firebase so it was the hardest task for me. Frontend based on AngularJS, Ionicv1, Scss. For communication with server was used Rest API. Backend based on PHP, Yii2, MySQL. Design was made by other developer.

Oct. 2017 - Mar. 2018

Hybrid mobile application for the Ukrainian tax company. Helps pay taxes for entrepreneurs. registration is done by parsing tax sites. filling with autocomplete data from the server. There is a division of entrepreneurs into three groups and payment templates for each. The necessary data for payment is filled from the server based on the registration data. Payment using the system IPay. It is possible to edit data, change the password and interface language. Also application has push notification based on Firebase to notice about deadlines for payment. Frontend developed on AngularJS, Ionicv1, Scss. 

Backend based on Python and Django. All frontend developed by me.

July 2018 - Aug. 2018

Hybrid mobile application developed to display news and events  in the selected radius and current location.  

At registration you can choose the radius, city using Google maps API, add an avatar using the Crop plugin. The home page displays a list of news/events, which depends on the radius and geolocation, which is displayed using the cordova plugin geolocation. On news details user can view google map with pin on news location. Also there is second tab on home page where is a big google map with pins of closest locations with events. Also users can add events,  have chats with other users, edit profile. Frontend part based on AngularJs,  jQuery, CSS. It was my first experience working with Google maps.  All frontend part was developed by me.

Improve well
Mar. 2018 - July 2018

The ImproveWell platform uses a smartphone application that empowers staff to communicate their ideas for improving care directly to senior management.

ImproveWell is a quality improvement tool that unlocks “intrapreneurship”, empowering the workforce to turn their ideas into improvements. 

It is a mobile hybrid application based on AngularJs,  ionicv1,  jQuery,  Scss. There were three developers on frontend part.  I worked with push notifications, mood graphics that shown user`s mood per week, statistic from Firebase chats, created surveys for users. I implemented complex sorting and validation  for survey questions.

Oct. 2018 - Oct. 2018

Landing page on AngularJS/Scss. Used jQuery for Slick Slider plugin. Landing has responsive design that was developed by media queries. Uses BEM


TG Global
Oct. 2018 - Oct. 2018

Landing page on AngularJS/Scss for TG Global. Landing has responsive design that was developed by media queries.

Students phone book
Nov. 2016 - Dec. 2016

Simple phone book application based on Yii2, PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS. User can add new phone number, edit and view full list of contacts.

Mar. 2018 - Aug. 2018

Ukraine trading platform.

There is the possibility of registration and authorization. For register was used google maps API and a list of necessary criteria from the server that should be noted. User must choose one of two roles: supplier or client. Client can:

1) Edit profile (add photos, add banner using Crop Plugin), edit and add data such as company name, phone number, etc.

2) Add a query for supplier. 

3) Start chat with other client or manufacturer.

4) Add to friends, view list of friends

5) View list of own queries

The supplier has the same functionality except the second item. He has  a list of requests filtered by his goods and he has ability to answer to client, add price and quantity. Also supplier can chande his goods in settings. 

There is also admin account.  Admin can view statistic, users, add new goods categories.

This project was developed on AngularJs, Angular Material, Bootstrap, Scss. Backend based on PHP, Yii2, MySQL. I developed all frontend.

GDG Poltava member